MissioN & Vision
Our Mission
"Oxford Bible Fellowship is strategically located to minister to the students of Miami University, to the Oxford community, to the surrounding areas, and to the world. Our mission is to grow toward completeness in Christ while reaching our world, in order to fulfill the Great Commandment (Mark 12:28-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Our Vision
To Know Christ. To Live for Christ. To Make Christ Known.
Church-Wide Discipleship
Discipleship to Jesus is intended to be deep. Discipleship is meant to transform every part of us and as a result, have a Christlike effect on our town and community.
Sound Biblical Preaching:
We will continue preaching Christ and Christ alone. We will strive to model obedience
and repentance as we offer Christ to students and community members alike.Intentional Music:
What we sing matters. We want to deepen the culture of congregational singing of
meaningful songs that both teach and encourage.Engaging Relationships:
We will continue to be intentional with building relationships outside and inside these
church walls.Spiritual growth:
We insist on the necessity of both biblical education and practical training in Christian